Reply To: How and why should I respect a parent that doesn't deserve respect?

Home Forums Family Matters How and why should I respect a parent that doesn't deserve respect? Reply To: How and why should I respect a parent that doesn't deserve respect?

Letakein Girl

Wow, thank you so much for all of your responses! They are truly appreciated.

I know that the Torah obligates me to respect my parents, but I honestly don’t understand how I am expected to do that. Don’t worry, mods- I’m not going to post why 😉

Sure, my father gave me life. But first off, he wasn’t the one to go thru labor- in my opinion, giving birth to me wasn’t too hard or unpleasant for him. Second, he is behaving in an awful way, and doing things kineged HaTorah. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m almost positive that were allowed to say lashon hara about an apikores, right? So just because he’s my father, I hafta respect one?