Reply To: Aruch Hashulchan

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pixelate and others: in the early days of electricity, there were a number of very big Poskim who allowed it to be used on Yom tov. The “Maharsham’ (the gaon of Brezhan,Rav Schwadron) held that way. I am of the impression thatR’Chaim Ozer grodzinsky was of the same view, although i am not sure about him.In any case, even if you accept some of the reasons for electricity (mav-ir, boneh, mevashel), it is only on shabbos that it is ossur- there may be many hetterim for yom tov, because of “ho’il”.

BTW- In Poland, galicia, Hungary and the like, the “Mogen Avrohom” was (still is) the psssok upon one relies. In Russia, it was the shulchan aruch Horav. The mishneh berurah-and the aruch hashulchan-were of lithuanian origin and were not well know elsewhere.