Reply To: Aruch Hashulchan

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Patur Aval Assur


Neither Charlie nor myself disagreed with what you said. Charlie mentioned that there are some opinions and these opinions are quoted by R’ Broyde. Nishtdayngesheft promptly started ranting about R’ Broyde. I then pointed out that anything about R’ Broyde is irrelevant to the discussion – look up his sources and see whether the sources exist. The fact that they exist doesn’t necessarily mean that they can be relied upon, but that was not I was discussing. I can’t really speak for Charlie though – it could be that he was trying to legitimize not covering hair. Only he will be able to clarify what his intent was. And even if Charlie was trying to justify not covering hair, my objection to nishtdayngesheft still stands – if you want to dispute the position of not requiring hair covering then the way to do it is to either say that there is no source or that those sources cannot be relied upon for halacha l’maaseh. Attacking R’ Broyde (or Charlie for that matter) is not the way to do it and only distracts from the actual conversation.