Reply To: Is Miami a good town for Jews?

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Honestly, I liked Florida. I liked the weather. Who doesn’t like that. But it does seem that the most wicked head to the nicest places. Is that good for Israel? Could be. If we are a nation of priests, we are actually NEEDED. Miami hopefully is far from anti-semitic.

But the smile can fade fast when you are shirked or you are roped.

So is it the safest place? Clearly not.

But Hashem can guide our footsteps.

I will not be going there any time soon. My family lives in the North and I like having family to live and spend time.

But who could deny that Miami is not judaism for the future. Orthodox interests are well represented. There is culture and art. There is much to do without a three piece suit or a sweater or coat, but the reality is that the cooler weather can be nice on the soul.
