Reply To: Giving Alcohol to Minors on Purim

Home Forums Yom Tov Purim Giving Alcohol to Minors on Purim Reply To: Giving Alcohol to Minors on Purim

Ben Levi

I unfortunatley do not have the patience to write a detailed rebuttal of the “list” of “mainstream” Poskim quoted earlier. however I would suggest that one looks up the actual Sfas Emes instead of relying on the Piskei Teshuvos’s quote of it (as recomended in numerous haskomos on the Piskei Teshuvos, secondly I would point out that the interpetation of the Maharsha to the Gemora in bava Metzia clearly implies a chiyuv shikrus to the extent we need a gemora that is matir a tzurva m’rabanun to claim he was mekayim this shiur even though he did not. Thirdly I would reiterate what I have already mentioned before The shita of Rabeinu Ephraim is questioned by numerous achronim amoong them the Pri Chadosh and perhaps that is why it was never accepted.

Lastly I would reiterate specifically because there most definiteley were Gedolim who held not to get shikur each person must follow his mesorah. I chose to folllow that of the Gedolim and Rabbanim I followed all of whom got drunk to the point of “ad di lo yudah”, One specifically happens to be makpid only to drink from a becher on Purim since he is being mekayim a mitzva.