Reply To: Giving Alcohol to Minors on Purim

Home Forums Yom Tov Purim Giving Alcohol to Minors on Purim Reply To: Giving Alcohol to Minors on Purim

The little I know


And you also teaching them something that is shelo kedin. There is absolutely NO mitzvah or minhag to drink spirits other than wine on Purim. Such imbibing is only for the purely gashmiyusdig goal of shikrus, which has nothing to do with Purim. This has been repeated countless times by poskim of our generation and many previous generations. Pouring shots is thus nothing more than encouraging kids to get drunk and is assur without question. Being the adult who does this is being machati others, and should not be done at all. There is a major task of teshuvah for being such a baal aveiro. My Rosh Yeshiva poured and gave wine, which he stopped many years ago when the drinking became problematic.