Reply To: The Demise of Jewish Music

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Showjoe – well I guess different songs speak to different people then. 🙂 I love toda just don’t find it particularly deep. Chanale has a gorgeous song thanking Hashem – and it’s slow. I find it much more moving (if you’re a boy, though, you wouldn’t know it)

PAA – Blechhhh. I REFUSE to play keyboard!! (Don’t get me started on the subject.) Don’t really understand how you came to the assumption that I play keyboard, but I definitely don’t. In any case, I have tried that with the piano (just playing a song faster), and I actually do find it less moving….does that even make sense??

Yayin – Are his fast songs heartfelt, too? I find his fast songs really funny – but heartfelt? Although, maybe they are, just in a different way to his slow songs? Could be…

oomis – what song is that? Did you mean Yesh Tikva? Or another song?