Reply To: room for personal expression in yeshiva

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DY, people dont want to be tolerated, they want to be appreciated.

People have a variety of talents. Learning, particualry the specific type of learning that is Valued in (most) Yeshivas, is not practical for everybody. As the OP pointed out some are more cut out for Bekius or other limudim like Halacha. Some peoples kochos may not be in learning at all, they have other strengths and talents, that more often than not are not appreciated in Yeshiva or may even be shunned (like being good at sports) These people want and deserve appreciation for their strengths too.

This is a known problem with no (easy?) solution. As obviously Torah and other talents, are in different leagues.

I had an extensive discussion with a respected Adom Gadol regarding this. He was asked what the point of the Yeshiva’s Purim Shpiel was. He said the only reason he could think of was, as an opportunity to celebrate/appreciate those with talents that they don’t normally get to show off such as Writing/directing/acting.

To be clear: I am not saying Yeshivas or Yeshivaleit SHOULD give chashivus to talents other than learning. I am just pointing out the reality of this problem, which may not have a (easy?) solution.