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This week’s parsha also says: ???-???????? ?????; ??????? ???-??????-??????????, ??????????.

A person needs to do hishtadlus.

@FFBBT613- Do what you like, but it is selfish of you to expect someone else to support you. Either support yourself or you need to accept your lifestyle. As you stated, this is not a question of your parents accepting a kollel lifestyle; since it seems they do. They won’t support nor it is their responsibility to support you. If you feel you are old enough to get married and raise a family, you should also be old enough to support yourself.

The decision is ultimately yours, no one else. As people explained, it is hard. Be ready to accept not getting new clothing, limited amount of choices of food and not always paying your bills. As people explained, it is doable, but don’t make the decision lightly.