Reply To: Babies in Shul

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ames, that’s terrific that you were able to react that way. I do want to add that unless the man was unbalanced or imagining noises that weren’t there, it’s likely that other babies or children were making noise before you came in with your child. Then he saw you, assumed it was your baby making noise, and yelled at you. And that may also be why no one else said anything–some of them may have been the parents of the children who were making noise.

oomis, I agree that it’s wrong for women to bring children to shul when they disturb others. However, I think it’s possible that some mothers are used to “tuning out” some sounds (for example, when the child is playing, not crying) & don’t realize how loud their children are. That said, I don’t go to shul at this time because my kids are too little to bring.