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The law protects members of religious minorities, such as us. It requires businesse and government agencies to reasonably accomodate us. The people making a stink are closet (or perhaps not so closeted) anti-semities, who want to see the legal system used to crush the various religious minorities. Without these laws, which are in many if not most states, and also in anything governed by Federal law, people like us are protected. Without them, discrimination on the basis of religion is perfectly legal as long as expressed in terms of behavior (e.g. “no head coverings allowed” or ” must work Saturdays”) rather than based on a formal religious belief (e.g. the former “test” acts).

P.S. I have seem many hareidi stores, and don’t observe them kicking out customers with crosses, and have seen them hire employees with crosses. The issue is whether a store must hire someone with a cross, or a yarmulke, or whatever.