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Home Forums Bais Medrash Why Can't Women Get Modern Smicha and Become Rabbis? Reply To: Why Can't Women Get Modern Smicha and Become Rabbis?

Avi K

I think it’s mainly a response to the feminist movement as well as non-Orthodox movements. I personally do not understand how a rabbi whose contract must be re-approved periodically and whose son does not inherit his postion (see Rav Shaul Yisrael, “Amud HaYemini” 12:5) is said to hold a ????. There is a title “yoetzet halacha”, which is pretty much the same thing, and is issued by the Israeli Chief Rabbinate and accepted by mainstream MO shuls in the US. While the yoetzet si generally limited to questions of taharat hamishpacha and other women’s issues, there are also liitation to various types of semicha. Only “Yadin, Yadin” allows one to be a dayan. “Yoreh, Yoreh” is a general license to pasken. YU also has a title “Rav uManhig” for men who want to teach limudei kodesh as it is considered pas nisht for such a teacher to be “a Mr.”. It also gives a designation “chaver”, which basically means that he is a learned baal bayit.