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Home Forums Bais Medrash Why Can't Women Get Modern Smicha and Become Rabbis? Reply To: Why Can't Women Get Modern Smicha and Become Rabbis?

Daniel Rosen

“They have gained their renown the way Jews – men and women – have through the centuries, not by chasing after titles and honors, but by serving Hashem, seeing needs within the Jewish community, and addressing them through writing, learning, and teaching.” +1

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“Well, I want to be a doctor, so let’s say, hypothetically, that I know everything I need to know to set up shop, but since I didn’t go to med school, I can’t get my MD- even without the title, even though I can practice medicine as well as any doctor, I’m obviously limited in what I can do with my knowledge, as nobody wants to be healed by someone who’s not an MD. “

But unlike a doctor, you do not need a degree to practice Torah learning and teaching. So if people will not listen to you it is there fault not yours. Smicha or not, you cannot psak halacha. You need a posek for that, and the Chafetz Chaim never had smicha until the end of his life when he needed it to travel.