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Home Forums Bais Medrash Why Can't Women Get Modern Smicha and Become Rabbis? Reply To: Why Can't Women Get Modern Smicha and Become Rabbis?



I am leaving that open because I believe that halacha leaves that open. I think that it is important to be clear why we are against something and be truthful about the halacha on the issue. It is wrong to say that it is assur for a woman to get smicha, when in fact it isn’t the smicha per se that is assur.

Those who pasken like the Rambam, holding that all serara is assur, and like the Rav that a pulpit rabbi holds a position of serara, should say that a woman cannot be a pulpit rabbi, but she could get smich and be morah horaah.

Those who do not pasken like the Rambam, or who do not hold that pulpit rabbi holds a position of serara, should say that a woman can be a pulpit rabbi.

That doesn’t mean that both cannot oppose the pretty clear agenda of Avi Weiss’ Maharat institution, as outside of Torah hashkafa.