Reply To: Pictures

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Without question the motive here is purely to stir up a story. I cant prove it but of this I am 100% certain. I am not saying those making a tumul are glorious defenders of human rights. Far from it. Nonthless in this case they have a point. I’m not sure why intended audience is relavent, when Iran hosts a Holocaust cartoon contest or deniers confrence we are not the intended audience, yet we are (I know I am, I assume you too) rightly offended.

Bottom line is fundamnetally we are in agreement. They made a mistake in running that particular picture.

“”Still, it’s easier to refrain from publishing any photos of ladies, than to have to sit in judgment and then offend by publishing a photo of this rebbetzin and not that one.”

Refraining from publishing photos of ladies is a halbe tzara (Ok its not a tzara at all, just faltsche frumkeit (in most cases)) The issue at hand is editing pictures.