Reply To: Egg-free Chanukah treats

Home Forums Kosher Cooking! Recipes Chanukah Recipes Egg-free Chanukah treats Reply To: Egg-free Chanukah treats


First of all, my hakoras hatov to DY for taking the trouble to Google and then post the recipes. Unfortunately, re: the latkes, I cannot use flour or as Golfer suggested (thank you too, btw), matzah meal, because of the gluten problem one member of my family has.

I am trying to accommodate everyone’s needs to the best of my ability, so that we can ALL enjoy the family Chanukah party at my house. But it has become a real challenge in the last two years. Since the ONLY time I ever make potato latkes is once on Chanukah each year, I can’t fry up differnet batches to please everyone, and I cannot have anything with eggs frying in my kitchen when my allergic grandson will be present.

The sad irony is that my own made from scratch latkes that I would make pre-allergy days, were apparently SO good that my son-in-law could not get enough of them (he is skinny like a stick, so “ess, ess mein kind!”) .

Anyhow, thanks again for your helpful suggestions. The donuts sound yummy, too. Hope everyone is having a great chag.