Reply To: Schlissel Challah

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Little Froggie


That seems the best plausible theory. Some Minhag, if one does not know it’s origins… sure.. seems we borrowed another one from our neighbors!!!

How utterly sick and silly!!

Pesach time, the time we had our most “interaction” with our “neighbors”, a time they tried most to “convince” us… blood libels.. at such a time we “borrow” their “minhagim”.

If one needs to find a source for our Yiddishe Minhagim, let him be well-versed in Yiddishe testaments…, y’know like Torah, Mishna, Talmud, Rambam, Shulchan Aruch, Rishonim, Achronim, Sifrei Kabalah, AriZal, Talemdei Ba’al Shem Tov… and all of it. After all that’s probably where it’s going to be found.

For someone to come out and cast skepticism at a Minhag Yisroel, to say it’s based / borrowed from the goyim is pure arrogance. And NarishKite.

Don’t know? Go learn.

Until then keep your paws off Minhagei Yisroel.