Reply To: Frum Jews and College

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Look, the point that I was trying to make until now and continue to try to make is that there is a strong dichotomy between many of the Rabbis mentioned in this thread and the majority of what we call Charedi gedolim.

The fact is that certain talmidei chachamim of the previous generation held views that were not widely accepted by the rest of the gedolim. While this did not necessarily affect the high regards that they were given as talmidei chachamim it did preclude their acceptance as leaders of the Charedi people.

So you find today that Rav Kook is primarily associated with the charda”l hesder yeshivahs, despite his previously strong relationship with many Charedi leaders. Rav Soloveitchik is generally associated with the modern-Orthodox YU, despite his great-grandfather, grandfather, father, and brothers having been considered among the preeminent leaders of Charedim.

This being so, the views and actions of these talmidei chachamim and those who have held similar to them are irrelevant to chareidim because they are contrary to those that are and have been counted among the leaders of the Charedi public.

I understand that my views here might seem extreme, perhaps because I have been in E”Y for a number of years already and the borders are much stronger here. However, I think for the most part what I have said in this post generally reflects the views of mainstream Charedi Yeshivos such as Mir, Chain Berlin, Lakewood, Ponovezh etc.

I am not the PR officer for these yeshivos though, this is just a reflection of my understanding of the hashkafa I was taught.