Reply To: Dirshu Daf Yomi Test

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There are two tracks- Gemara with Rashi and Gemara, Rashi, and Tosafos. I took the Gemara-Rashi one. The questions are mostly pashut questions that anyone could answer one day after learning the daf. the trick is remembering the details 30+ days later (yesterday’s daf was 39, but the test was on 2-32).

For example, during these 30 dafim, the Gemara analyzes many pesukim from Tanach and gives various interpretations (al tikra X, ela Y, etc.). For one question, the bechina had one pasuk and just asked for the five interpretations given.

Similarly with halachic discussions; it might ask for all the opinions given in X braisa or for two reasons that we might make a chiluk between different types of people in the application of another halacha.