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🍫Syag Lchochma

and just to make this personal,

I have written in the past (many threads ago) about how my husband was not only very newly frum, he wasn’t really even in a place I felt comfortable. I was dating guys who were full time in yeshiva and he had just started wearing a yarmulke months before. And he had not started wearing tzitzis yet. We worked together in a program for children with special needs and by the end of that month I knew somehow he was the needle in the haystack. We decided to get engaged without ever having dated.

To skip over the longer version, there was a lot of work to do to determine if I could possibly consider someone who still had a ways to go. Was he committed? Would he end up being who he planned to become? Could I wait patiently for certain points so he could adjust appropriately instead of jumping in with too much too fast?

These were some very valid questions and we worked very hard on finding the answers before getting engaged. It took a tremendous amount of self-awareness of who I was and where I was going as well.

In the end, he introduced me to aspects of our religion that never would have crossed the door in my religious education. So much of the spirituality that I never really learned about came from him. I am so much further along in my commitment to Torah than I would have even dreamed about if I had not married him.