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LF: You are wrong and distorting things on many levels. I’ll just take the basics from each paragraph.

And so is the reverse true, read what I wrote. Without the Torah of Eretz Yisroel C”V…. Let no one fool you. Anyone with a clear mind can discern the openness of had HaShem.. due, NO QUESTION to, the Yeshivos and learning in Eretz Yisroel. You’re not the one who’s actually keeping score, do you happen to know what would have happened had those bachurim stayed and continued to learn?!? How many more open nissim we would have seen?? DO YOU KNOW? As I wrote (only one sentence ago) even gentiles recognize the closeness and involvement of Yad HaShem in Eretz Yisroel; how foolish is it to say ??? ????? ???, this strategy did it, this maneuver won.. So you say “B”H, the bochrim had more seichel” etc. perhaps one day (after studying that particular battle, in depth) you’d come to the conclusion that ” alas, the bochrim were foolishly persuaded and left the hallowed walls of the Bais Medrash to foolishly attempt…” ?? ??? ?? ????? ???

Everyone here is agreeing that Torah protects to some extent. Everyone here is agreeing that the army protects to some extent (I think; you don’t believe that without an army the Arabs would miraculously be unable to walk in on those learning, do you?). Your point is if Torah learning is lessened one iota that it could cost us protection. I’ll reverse your question. How do you know? How do you know that some of those Bochurim in Yeshiva could have stopped a terrorist attack if they had been in the army like HKBH wants? You don’t know and I don’t know. No one can know. Seichel and Torah dictate we have to try and do our best. Which means as many people in the army as the experts determine necessary and everyone else learning as much as possible.

and lesschumras, yes it is a blanket statement, Gemarah says so, and states “an instance of an apikores.. one who ridicules ‘what benefit caused these scholars'”.

Find me where the Gemara says that “Mai Ahanu Lan Rabannan” is in reference to their Torah learning protecting us from physical danger. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t exist.

As BarryLS1 wrote:

Again, everything is min HaShamayim, but we have to do our part first. And most in the Torah community are. The best way possible. With fantastic, wondrous results. ?? ????? ???.

There are wonderful results (lots of Talmud Torah) and there are certainly not wonderful results (terrorist attacks R”L). I will hope that your Tefillah of Kein Yosif isn’t applying to antisemitism and terrorism. Because the status quo might be better than all of Jewish history, but it certainly isn’t something we should want to continue.