Reply To: Should the wishes of racist parents that I not date their child be respected?

Home Forums Family Matters Should the wishes of racist parents that I not date their child be respected? Reply To: Should the wishes of racist parents that I not date their child be respected?

Letakein Girl

I love your posts, oomis. It’s so easy to get caught up in theoretical fluff and forget that the world is nowhere near perfect, and we have to accept reality.

I just typed several paragraphs on my feelings on this topic and promptly deleted them, for fear of insulting someone. So I’ll leave my opinion out of this and suffice with these questions:

DY, Matan- if a shadchan would call you up and redt a person of a different race to your daughter/son, do you really think that you would not be… I can’t think of the right word. Not horrified, but something close to it?

If your son/daughter would come over to you one night and tell you that they’re about to get engaged to a person of a different race, would you happily give them your blessing?