Reply To: Should the wishes of racist parents that I not date their child be respected?

Home Forums Family Matters Should the wishes of racist parents that I not date their child be respected? Reply To: Should the wishes of racist parents that I not date their child be respected?


If your imagination is too close minded to accept or role play such a scenario, then you don’t have to participate in this exercise.

Ah, yes. Call *me* closed minded because I accept an alternate possibility where my kids have some input into whom they marry.

In any event, I call foul on your assumption anyway. I don’t think the majority (or even close to it) have the parents do *everything* with absolutely *no* input from the prospective bride and groom.

In short, you’re creating some scenario that barely exists outside the chassidic world and claiming that the majority of yeshvish people do so. Baloney.

The Wolf

The Wolf