Reply To: Jastrow or Aramaic-Hebrew-English Dictionary (Melamed)?

Home Forums Seforim, Books, & Reading Jastrow or Aramaic-Hebrew-English Dictionary (Melamed)? Reply To: Jastrow or Aramaic-Hebrew-English Dictionary (Melamed)?


For any serious scholar, there is no comparison between any of the other dictionaries and the Jastrow. The Jastrow is a real dictionary, based on etymological research, citations throughout shas, knowledge of contemporaneous usage to the gemara, etc. The others are glorified “teitch sheets”, based on the Jastrow.

There’s no question that Artscroll used the Jastrow for their shas. And even for anyone learning on their own, it’s better because he gives you different contexts, so you can use your own judgement in deciding how to translate.