Reply To: Kashrus at your neighbor's

Home Forums Kashruth Kashrus at your neighbor's Reply To: Kashrus at your neighbor's


Yaakov, first of all, not all of us has a ‘pocket rav’, one you could ask him everything 24/7. Here, in 3rd world countries is usual that a rav kehila has like 5 jobs to mantain his household, so he is not so readily available. Not all of us spend the day in the kollel or something like that, and finally, there are simpler question one can ask in a forum (he trusts) and not bother his rav. I ask my rav a lot shailas and sometimes I feel I bother him with that. So I filter for the really important ones I wouldn’t post here and the rest, everyday simple questions when you don’t have the time to look it up in seforim, I like to hear what other special neshamos who have the knowledge and patience have to say about it.

Another thing, I never asked about eating cholov stam in a restaurant or my neighbor’s house. I asked about eating cholov yisroel in a place where they usually have cholov stam.