Reply To: Kashrus at your neighbor's

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You should ask your Rov and not rely on the coffee room.

In Israel, the kashrut issue is far more complex. I know of a case where a Rosh Yeshiva’s wife went with a group of seminary girls on a Shabbaton held in someone’s house.

The person told the Rosh Yeshiva’s wife “not to worry, I made sure to get you only xxxx hashgocho.”

The Rosh Yeshiva’s wife responded, “thank you, but it really wasn’t necessary. My husband told me that when you go to a Shomer Shabbos persons home, you don’t question their kashrut. We keep whatever standard we want in our home, just eat what they serve.”

The whole issue is such a source of friction, in Israel, that has divided families in some cases but creates lots of animosity in many other cases.

I also know two Chareidi families that are virtually identical Hashgofos wise, yet each won’t eat certain Hashgochos the other uses.

Hashem Yeracheim!