Reply To: Message From Harav Yaakov Bender About Serious Drinking Problem In Frum Communit

Home Forums Health & Fitness Message From Harav Yaakov Bender About Serious Drinking Problem In Frum Communit Reply To: Message From Harav Yaakov Bender About Serious Drinking Problem In Frum Communit


This is not an either/or situation. Both are bad, though smoking in ANY amount can be harmful, whereas moderate drinking of wine may be beneficial. (And before the smokers try to defend themselves, forget it). There is no good to smoking, except for one’s enjoyment of it (and there are many things we might enjoy that are clearly very bad for us, or even if not, from which we refrain, because Hashem Said so), but there IS a great deal of harm that comes from it, both to the smoker, and to the people around him/her, as well as to the environment.