Reply To: Message From Harav Yaakov Bender About Serious Drinking Problem In Frum Communit

Home Forums Health & Fitness Message From Harav Yaakov Bender About Serious Drinking Problem In Frum Communit Reply To: Message From Harav Yaakov Bender About Serious Drinking Problem In Frum Communit


morahmom:I am not sure what cave you live in, but it would seem to me that “kiddush clubs” are everywhere

Really? I can only think of one or two shuls that hava a kiddush club that I know of and they are the type of shuls where they have to announce the page number so that everyone can keep up.

Sam2: I don’t think there are NO alcoholics among chareidim. Alcoholism has always existed. The differences is that according to this article , its now become something beyond the isolated individual.