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Thanks for the clarification

“the hospital staff can at times go further than just not treating a suffering patient and let him die. At times they will facilitate his death. Or not feed him. Or not treat him for common ailments readily remedied that will cause death if left unattended. All of this has been widely reported on over the past decade and longer.”

I agree with the FACTS as you state them. (part of) the problem is primarily one of attitude. IT is important to understand where the hospital is coming from, and while they may be wrong it is not generally coming from a bad place. Usually these disputes are easily resolved with open and honest communication and avoiding phrases like “facilitate his death.” Even if it may be true.

For example, you mention the idea of not feeding the patient. The fact as you state them is correct. However it is a matter of perspective. The general medical establishment as well as ethical societies, All major Religions and even various “branches” of Judaism, all view artificial feeding whether by Tube feeds via PEG/NG tube or TPN as “medicine” and not “food”. Orthodox Judaism is alone in viewing artificial nutrition as food. Obviously we couldnt care less what other religion or ethical societies have to say on the subject, but the hospital cares so they arent wrong for pushing to avoid these “life prolonging medicine” (what we consider a basic need) in a patient who is suffering. Keep in mind, halacha also allows withholding life-prolonging-medicines in such cases. By communicating with the hospital that we understand where they are coming from and that they have the best interest of the patient in mind, but to us artificial nutrition is a basic need, that (generally) cant be withheld.

Again, i ma not disagreeing with any fact youve stated, just the attitude. A little understanding (even if we vehemently disagree with them) goes a long way, and can generally ease a charged situation.