Reply To: Cholov Yisroel Powdered Milk Kulah

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Cholov Yisroel Powdered Milk Kulah Reply To: Cholov Yisroel Powdered Milk Kulah

☕ DaasYochid ☕

I just want some info about it.

In short, it’s a machlokes between the Chazon Ish, who says it’s the same as regular milk, and the Har Tzvi, who is meikil.

You can’t make powered milk out of pig fat, so if it is powdered milk, you know it isn’t pig fat. Or hooves.

True, but you can make it out of pig’s milk.

Truth? The whole inyan today (IMHO) in regards to cholov stam / cholov yisroel is NOT about kashrus.

I’m not sure why you don’t think it’s about kashrus. It’s a legitimate shaila in halacha, regarding an edible item. In the vernacular, a discussion about whether a food or beverage is permitted to be eaten is considered to be about kashrus.