Reply To: How to increase Tzinius

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar How to increase Tzinius Reply To: How to increase Tzinius


“just me” you are right on the the mark, took the words right out of my mouth. although the bochors don’t hide when they smoke, I see them on the streets, outside of shuls, and yeshivas smoking. Smoking is a sakana, and it’s a fact that’s been proven by the fda that it causes cancer and other health problems, even if they just do it for “a little while.” People are saying that the way the women are dressing causes men to do an aveira, but how about the smokers who are giving everyone around them second hand smoke, and their children, and wives third hand smoke by touching them with their cigarette infested fingers. So what’s the bigger issue here? a skirt a little over the knees, or killing innocent bystanders and well as themselves. And on the topic of tznius, smoking is a huge lack of tznius, and a huge chilul Hashem as well.