Reply To: How to increase Tzinius

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The “shabbos parade” up Kings Highway held every year has done wonders for Kedushas Shabbos. Specifically, the number of Jewish owned stores that are now closed on Shabbos.

I wonder if it is time to organize a “Tznius parade”, stopping at all heimishe owned stores, displaying clothing that “crosses the line” and threatening not to shop their until the store fully removes all clothing not suitable for the members of our community. Notice, I did not say women, men have no hetter to wear outlandish, loud and garrish clothing either. There may be no rules about hemlines and necklines but rules still do exist.

Of course, the self righteous will start with “its yennems parnassa, who gives you the right” (I doubt they feel this way if we were talking about kasrush of food or chillul shabbos), and similar “arguments”, but perhaps it is time.

Just a thought.