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GAW: At least in my world, the wedding night is NOT the main expense. It’s clothing for everybody, especially a kallah, houseware, linen, furniture, gifts for the Chosson/kallah (jewelry, silver becher, shas etc.), perhaps refresh an apartment etc. Not to mention Shabbos Sheva Brochos which is a mesechta for itself. Maybe some things can be cut back on, but it’s unfair almost to marry kids off young and not provide the stuff they’ll need the first year or so.

Does anybody know how much for example Kallah courses cost? This is just one expense that you don’t want to skimp on, but there are many others with varying degrees of importance. So yes, we’re talking a couple of 10ks total.

And some kids would probably rather wait a few years than get married without anything, but we as a klall should discourage it, as it’s counterproductive and against Yiddishkeit as we know it.