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I am married to a diabetic. If I knew what I know now before, I got married, I think things would be different. I would be absolutely terrified to marry a Diabetic. Diabetes is a horrible disease. My spouse has every single problem that can come from diabetes. You name, they have it. Heart problems, Diabetic ulcers, amputations, eye problems, Kidney problems…circulation problems, infertilty issues.

I am suffering big time, along with them. My spouse, probably had it since they were younger, because the damage was from years and years of being undiagonised. They watch themselves now, but too little to late. The damage is done and irreparable.

How do I go on, well, I realize Hashem is the one who gave me this test. Being healthy prior to marriage is no guarantee, that a person won’t get sick with some other illnesses after marriage. And, as much I can’t take it anymore, I feel that Ches Va’shalom someone gets sick, wouldn’t you want someone to be there to take care of you. I look at it, that it’s my opportunity to do chesed. Chesed does begin at home and taking care of an ill person is a big Chesed. Thinking this way is the only way I can handle the situation Hashem has placed me in. I sincerely pray, that all of you, should never know from what my spouse goes through constantly.