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Rav Moshe Sternbach, Shlita (Teshuvos V’Hanhagos, Orach Chayim 3:83) poskens that there are
two kinds of Tosefes Shabbos-one for Kabolas Issur Melacha which one
can be mekabel and still daven the weekday Mincha as long as he stops
doing melacha-and the regular Kabolas Kedushas Shabbos after which one
can no longer daven the weekday Mincha. Accordingly, if one has not yet
davened Mincha but can refrain from doing melacha, he should at least
be mekabel on himself “Tosefes Shabbos L’inyan Issur Melacha.”
In other words – and I think that this addresses Wolf’s question – There is a difference between being mekabel tosefes shabbos l’inyan issur melacha (after which one can still daven Mincha, according to SOME poskim), versus the full 100% acceptance of kedushas shabbos (which would preclude davening Mincha later).