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The depravity of this ruling is more profound than “just” the legislating of the abominable as normal. Think of the children “of” these unions. This legislation deems it perfectly normal for a child’s only parents to be of the same gender.

For example, if a same-gender “couple” wishes to take in a foster child, they now have the same rights and priority as a heterosexual couple. Whereas before this legislation, since the only definition of marriage was between a man and woman, and a child is best off in a home with a stable marriage, then it would be logical to prefer a couple over a same-gender “couple” or some other abomination/messed-up circumstance. But with this legislation, neither “couple” is legally better than the other and the child is now told that his two surrogate parents are the two males (or two females) of that “couple”. Period.

So the ramifications of this legislation reach far beyond “two people’s right to choose their own life”. It actually redefines (more accurately, destroys) morality and normality.

Also, by this “logic”, it also makes any consenting relationship (meaning, between two people who are of age of consent) including siblings, parent/child, etc. to be perfectly fine.

Sickening and scary.

(Since marriage is clearly not legally, anymore, a matter of being able to have children, etc. one wonders what the courts would do if two adult bachelor siblings – of any gender – would seek to marry for tax or other legal purposes.)