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Ben Levi

TO bring up the votes for Romney or Obama is a pretty intellectually shallow move.

Romney’s campaign pitch was not “vote for me because I am a Mormon”, in fact he was criticized by some for not contrasting the fact that he was obviously a man of faith vs Obama’s dubious record on the matter.

The entire pitch that Romney made was based on his economic know how and Obama’s ineptitude on the World stage.

Again his faith was tangential at best.

However in the case that was recently decided 5 lawyers decided that a term that was until now reserved exclusively for the unique relationship between a man and a woman will be redefined to put relationships that the Torah, and until several years ago, the entire world understood were in no way the same.

As such this decision directly and with obvious intent seeks to redefine what is considered moral and right in the world we live in.

What should be even more cause for concern is the fact that there are Jewish Justices that were part of the majority decision.

In light of what this decision means there is no way to describe it other then to so state the obvious.

It’s a tragedy, and particularly for us who have to now raise our children in a world that has deemed immorality moral and morality immoral.