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Regardless of which came first the bottom line is the same “codes” found in the Torah by Droznin or anybody else are also found in those works lehavdil.

The codes are readily avilable online. “contesting” them doesnt make them go away.

” either ours is “correct””

So you are willing to posit that our Sefer Torah is more similar to the version handed down at Har Sinai than that of Chazal?

I suppose you can say that (It makes me very uncomfortable). But certainly you can agree this is a “major question” or at the very least a “problem”

“Whether He put it into any others is immaterial.”

Hardly! that undermines the very nature of the codes. If they exist in all variations of the Torah that ever existed and that might oneday exist, then what makes them special.

If chas veshalom I write a sefer torah missing a few vavs here and there and add a few others, and in generations it somehow becomes the most prevelant one (granted very unlikely, but whose to predict how the galus will play out (aside from the codes of course :-)) would it contain codes?

If yes: Then the codes are meaningless if any text similar to the Torah contains them!

If no: What is so special about the version we have that only it contains codes?