Reply To: Vaad HaRabbonim of Flatbush

Home Forums Kashruth Vaad HaRabbonim of Flatbush Reply To: Vaad HaRabbonim of Flatbush


Word is that the vaad is most machmir from all the other major kashrut agencies which some of them rely on just the Baal Habayit’s word, with almost no regular inspections from the certifying agency. Vaad has regular inspections and doesn’t allow leniency which the other major kashrut agencies do allow. You’d be surprised that the biggest most well known ones are very lax and kashrut violations go unreported because there’s no major over-seeing agency to keep them all straight, that’s why it’s comforting to know Rav Goldberg has stricter standard than the others, so you know he doesn’t allow these stores and catering halls and restaurants to cut corners and get away with violations at all. He’s been known to quickly drop those stores and caterers and restaurants that he catches trying to not conform to his standards, I don’t believe the others do that. They just keep warning them to stop. Meanwhile all of us are reliant on these agencies and c’v eating something improper is a very serious thing and is M’tamtem the Leb.