Reply To: Derech Halimud

Home Forums Bais Medrash Derech Halimud Reply To: Derech Halimud


You would rather quantity over quality?

Sometimes there is something to be said for quantity as well as quality. Five wonderful shiny pennies, polished over and over and in mint condition, are still only five cents at the end of the day. A dull, dingy quarter is still worth more.

Yes, there is great value in going in-depth into a subject and it should be a regular seder in a yeshiva (although if I don’t know about the degree to which it is done in the OP’s yeshiva). But there is also value in learning and covering ground as well.

A person who spends all his time learning every ha’arah in the first five blatt of Baba Kamma has a great understanding of it… but he’s also ignorant of the rest of Shas.

In short, there should be a seder for iyun and a seder for b’kiyus.

The Wolf