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If that is genuinely the Chazon Ish’s position, it is certainly not the mainstream opinion. I have learned the sugya and discussed the issue with multiple rabbonim. Many, if not most, poskim would hold that if a woman sticks out her hand you can shake it quickly to avoid embarassment and/or potential loss of money. Some would limit this ruling to cases where you know that there will be no feelings of chiba.
Only negiah derech chiba is yehoreg v’al yaavor and only if the woman is Jewish or married (nidda is only d’rabbanan for non-Jews). According to some “derech chiba” is subjective and would depend on a self-assessment of potential for chiba when shaking hands (one posek said that shaking hands can be a question of d’oraisa on either side, so that if you decide there is no potential for chiba you have to shake to avoid embarassment and if there is potential for chiba you cannot shake because of the issur nidda).
According to others, e.g. Reb Moshe, “derech chiba” is objective and the question is how to asses shaking hands. If shaking hands is objectively an act of chiba, then it would be yehoreg v’al yaavor (presumably this is how the Chazon Ish holds). If shaking hands is not objectively an act of chiba, then it would not be yehoreg v’al yaavor.
Bottom line, don’t get upset when you see frum Jews shaking hands with women. Dan them l’kaf z’chus that they asked their Rav before doing so and know that yesh l’hem al mi lismichu.