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First of all, Rav Moshe acknowledges in his teshuvos that there were rabbonim who disagreed with him as to whether shaking hands was derech chiba. Second, Rav Yaakov (m’pi hashmuah) and Rav Shimon Schwab both disagreed with Rav Moshe and the Chazon Ish. Third, I have spoken with multiple rabbonim on this issue, it is very common question. The almost universal response I have received was: try to avoid hand-shaking situations as best you can, but if someone sticks out their hand you can shake it quickly (or with a “wet fish”).
My rebbe (who I will not name for obvious reasons) is a substantial posek in his own right and he holds that derech chiba is subjective (so it depends on a rapid self-assessment).
Feivel, hugging is different because it is objectively derech chiba.