Reply To: Girls name Raylah

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I wonder if it’s appropriate that I join the discussion; since people are mentioning and quoting Rav Chaim, and I’m not pretending to bring any level of knowledge or Halachic expertise to the table.

But the way I look at names is similar to the way I look at music. Nobody (I think) will argue with the premise that we’re living in a Dor which is very weak in certain areas, and influenced by a particularly degenerate culture that surrounds us in our current Galus. We are blessed, as in every Dor, with Talmidei Chachamim and Manhigim who are here to be Marbitz Torah and keep us on the right path. But the rest of us are sometimes, unfortunately, influenced by our surroundings. So while Niggunim that were composed back in the ‘Alte Heim’ a few generations ago may stir our souls, some of the music composed today is suspect, and might not belong in our. So too for names. Those that have been in use for a few generations or a few hundred years, are fine. Some of the names brought into vogue very recently may not have the same Kedusha as the very old ones.

Just my take on it…