Reply To: Shmuly Yanklowitz, Novominsker and OO theology

Home Forums Controversial Topics Shmuly Yanklowitz, Novominsker and OO theology Reply To: Shmuly Yanklowitz, Novominsker and OO theology

☕ DaasYochid ☕

I’m not sure what you mean. Are you saying that people put words into my words based on the context, or are you saying that that is what I actually said/meant?

The former (I won’t pretend to know what you meant better than you do), but I’m also trying to help you understand how I think that happened.

As far as that second point is concerned, what I tried to tell you earlier is that the fact that the accepted psak in klal Yirsroel is that certain beliefs are apikorsus is proof that they are false. Hashem does not insist that we believe in things which are not true. He would not allow Halacha l’maaseh to develop in such a way that one would be liable to be punished for believing something which is true. Hence, the fact that we pasken (through normative halachic means) that Moshiach will come, is proof that he will. There is indeed dissonance in the position that believing a truism is heresy, hence, we entirely disbelieve the rejected opinion.