Reply To: Bennet and Toaiva Pride

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Calling a person this because of his personal choice and identity, I reject out of hand. And I want people to hear me say it, especially as a leader in religious Zionism.

There are a few issues the Gay people represent, and they are often mushed together.

1) A male being attracted to other men: There is a Machloikes in the later Achronim as to whether one can be born with this attraction or not. This is also a fierce debate in the scientific world.

Whatever the case is, Judaism respects that different people have different nisyoinos. We do not ostracize somebody because of the tests HKB”H sends him. We must support these people and not make them feel guilty for having the nisoyon – and where possibly, try to end that Nisoyon with whatever means we have at our disposal (eg therapy).

2) Marriage or relationships: This is what we refer to as a Toievah. People who are involved in such relationships must not be encouraged or legitimized in any way. No religious party should be saying anything in support of such people.

Like Non-Kosher food – many of us breath in the aroma outside a McDonalds and feel an attraction. There is nothing wrong with that. Wrong would be to give in to the taivah.

Other things you quoted, however, are terrible. There is clear apikorsus and rejection of the Torah in that speech.