Reply To: NYC Board of Health Votes to Regulate Bris Milah

Home Forums Health & Fitness NYC Board of Health Votes to Regulate Bris Milah Reply To: NYC Board of Health Votes to Regulate Bris Milah


I noticed that when the enemies of the Torah community try to poo-poo metzitza b’peh, they attempt to portray a minimization of the segments of Orthodox Jewry that engage in this mitzvah. So they say something like only “some Hasidim” do it. Of course this is simply a falsehood as in fact most Chareidim, including most of the Yeshivish world do metzitza b’peh. I come from the Litvish side of things, and MBP has been used in the vast majority of Brisim I’ve seen in the Yeshivish world, not only at my own Yeshiva circles but at others as well.