Reply To: Shidduchim – overweight is the new poverty

Home Forums Shidduchim Shidduchim – overweight is the new poverty Reply To: Shidduchim – overweight is the new poverty


Yidesh_k, thanks for joining us and raising the median age (which sometimes seems to hover at around 16).

As for your comment-

Yes, HKBH is of course able to change a person’e girth, height, wealth, and any other physical property, as you mention, in a flash.

However, for the most part, what you see is what you get.

The Frumguy was not suggesting that a wise person will pay most attention to the physical attributes of a prospective spouse, as opposed to to what is truly deep down. He merely stated that it seems to him that overweight is the new poverty. And he may in fact be correct.

Whether or not that proves that young people in shidduchim today are shallow, superficial, short-sighted and vapid, is up for discussion.

(Some of the more learned posters here, may shoot down that idea by quoting sources that date back many many years suggesting the advisability of a man choosing a wife that looks nice to him.)