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Peacemaker-“Why don’t you ask them permission to file a claim with their homeowners insurance.”

That’s a good suggestion. I think the mrs. will be happy to do it, but the Mr. may not agree.

“If push comes to shove, obviously ask a shaila from a big posek.”

I did and I was told that I’m allowed to and that it is no different than when s/o gets hurt in a car accident in which case it’s common and accepted to sue.

Another name-“How did your child get hurt”- hiding from her friend’s older brother who beats her up.

-“What’s your relationship with this neighbor”-casual

-“Are you sure their homeowners insurance does indeed cover it” There’s only one way to find out!

-“You are looking at the scar at its worst.”- I’m going by what the Dr. says, and I’m making an appointment with a specialist.

“Are you certain that scar cream or ointment won’t make the scar fade” It can take a few years to know for sure, and by that time I can no longer file a claim.

smartcookie-good suggestion-Thank you.

mom12-“Dumb question- why dont you have insurance?”

I do- will my insurance cover an accident that happened in some one else’s house? That would be ideal. I would be covered and no hard feelings, but I don’t think it works like that.

“and its really not worth the fight that could result..”

It’s not worth it for who? What do you say when your daughter hits teen age and asks you why she has a long unsightly scar on her face? Do you tell her that you wanted to take the high road (at her expense) and not upset your neighbor ( rather leave a scar on her face) even though the neighbor takes no loss, was at least somewhat negligent, and halachah was on your side. Are you right to be frum on her cheshbon?

aries2756-“They usually raise the client’s premium,”-

Good point- I like smartcookie’s suggestion to offer to pay the increase.

“Why was your child there.”

Our children play at each others houses-mostly their child comes to our house because we are aware that the older brother ( 8 or 9) beats her up and the parents seem to be ok with that . Inevitably , my child ends up there occasionally, and she got hurt while attempting to hide from this brother.

Health-“I can’t believe any Rov told you- you can sue.”

Why is it different then a car accident?

always runs with scissors fast-“It could have happened at your house. So just because it happened at their house you should sue them for compensation and money? ha ha.”

If s/o approached you without any finger pointing and requested respectfully that since legally and halachicly they are allowed to collect from your home owner’s insurance and otherwise their daughter will be deprived of the opportunity for corrective surgery, would you flat out deny them? You wouldn’t even consider their request? Your post if very judgmental when you don’t even know the facts. It is the 9 days you know.

yankdownunder- thank you- I am using a cream recommended by the surgeon who did the stitches. If you know of a specific product that has been proven I would appreciate it.

Peacemaker-“She didn’t even claim that she asked any posek.”

I spoke to a posek and was told unequivocally that it is allowed. BTW it’s “he”, but that’s ok.

amazingirl97- suing is essentially the same as collecting from their home owners insurance except it sounds nicer.

aries2756-“Don’t get overly excited about a cut.”

-easy to say when it’s not you!

“So that will cost you as well.”

I would pay the attorney by commission and let the att’y make that assessment- I would also make sure it covers my neighbor’s expenses, so having said that, is it right to deprive my daughter?