Reply To: Whole Life Insurance

Home Forums Family Matters Whole Life Insurance Reply To: Whole Life Insurance


Whole life is great…for the selling agent.

It is sold as a forced savings vehicle, but you lose out on the returns available on investments that have no commissions involved.

What good is building policy value, then borrowing it to pay for weddings and G-D forbid something happens to you and your widow and children get a pittance?

Term life is cheap, just develop the discipline to save each month.

The only time whole life was great for policyholders was in the times of great inflation. In 1980 my father was able to borrow $100,000 in policy value against a whole life policy he bought in 1946 for 2% and invest it in bank CDs at 18%. But in modern low interest rate economies one would not accumulate that amount of policy have and have the chance to arbitrage the funds.