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stam a deya

Sam2 –

Just curious. What are the survival rates of chemo or radiation for all cancers? Too many of my neighbors died from them as have countless others. That you let slide? By law, only drugs are surgeries are allowed to cure disease. i.e. if i say eat this orange and you will get better, i can be arrested. That’s why they are banned in america (according to my understanding. please correct if wrong). Some parts of the therapy which they did mess up on was modified and like all therapies, are constantly evolving. Read up a little on free radicals and oxidation which leads to cancers and you will understand why the juicing which is a hallmark of gerson makes so much sense. Again, it is attacking cancer on the cellular level as cells regenerate. The American Cancer Society will never acknowledge any other treatment besides chemo and radiation. The priniciples make sense but again i don’t have first hand experience with it.

let me ask all of you, if stam a deya came up with a cure for cancer by eating an apple and standing on your head, and proved it over and over again, what do you think the medical establishments response would be? would they say “that’s great!” now we can close up the hundreds of hospitals and lay off the hundreds of thousands of people in the cancer business and bankrupt the thousands of business providing machines and drugs and chemo etc…the whole economy would callapse ! I know it sounds conspiracy etc…just curious to your reactions…..